Elder Houston

The Worth of Seouls – Seoul Korea Mission

This week was Swell!

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Hello Family!  This week has been so swell! I am just going to jump right into it!

Tuesday 12/9 – Temple day! I love the temple! It is seriously such a blessing to be able to go! We played B-ball as well for p-day and it was super fun! Then later we practiced for our Christmas ward party!

Wednesday 12/10 – I gave the Christlike attribute in district meeting and after district meeting went on exchange with our zone leader Elder 최수범 (chae-su-bam). We went to his area 길음 (kidum) which is big city Seoul! I was amazed at how small Jangwi is! haha we did some street proselyting and did some studies and it was fun! We slept with to other Elders in their mansion of a house! Haha Elder Lundberg and another Korean Elder. I really love our zone leader I was with and love Elder Lundberg as well! He lived in Montana and was a firefighter and me and him talked for so long as I was on exchange.

Thursday 12/11 – The next day we woke up and did studies and went out and proselyted for a minute and then came back and ate and were about to go back out but the my temporary zone leader companion got way sick and so we had to stay and I just studied more. Later they found out that he has swollen intestines and needed to rest for a minute! But the exchange was really fun! That night I was back with my companion and we taught a guy who was a referral and learned he has a lot of “problems” with loving and …. to put it easy a lot of problems not being a psychopath. Yeah but he is progressing now and we hope to continue to help him!

 Friday 12/12 – Today we did weekly planning and were really bummed at our lack of investigators. We said a prayer after asking for our hard work to pay off in some way. We tried to call a guy that we had scheduled an appointment with but it seemed like he blocked us. We both felt the prompting to still go to the spot we were supposed to meet. We went and he showed up! We were so excited. His phone was broke but he was interested. He is Mongolian and speaks a pretty good Korean and English but doesn’t understand any gospel things in Korean but he does in English so… We teach in English!! And I led the discussions! We gave him a Mongolian Book of Mormon and committed him to read. The lesson went really good and he said “I will read this whole book to find out if it is true!” Yeahhh!!!!! Also I went on exchange with Elder Jarrett that night.

 Saturday 12/13– This is also a miracle day after our prayer for help. We called and got permission to participate in a ward basketball activity if we had investigators there. Turns out the Mongolian (Eruca is his name) loves basketball so we invited him. We have also been trying it meet with a half Russian, half korean kid ,but he has not really wanted to but we knew he loved basketball so we called him and he said he would come. So we got up and headed to the church to meet our investigators and we had 1 out of 2 to come which is better than usual so we were way happy. The half Russian kid came!

We played basketball with out ward and bishop and it was really fun! We also built a really good relationship with the half russian kid and hope to meet soon. We were a little discouraged because Eruca didn’t show up! But we kept going with hope and faith. That was with all our district but then Elder Jarrett and I went back to our house and studied. Elder Jarrett isn’t great at Korean but I love him to death! He is so kind and loving and also from Montana! We had a funny experience. We tried to order chicken for dinner and then about 20 minute later a guy showed up with pizza and pasta for dinner for us….. Hahahah so we paid him and ate it and it was stinking hilarious!!!!!!

Sunday 12/14 – We generally have about 3 people who we have committed to church but 90 percent of the time none show up! We again had 3 people committed and we went to pick up 이동희 one of our investigators for church. We showed up and he had already started waking to church. We were amazed! All the elders and people who know him were amazed that he came. It was a huge miracle! Wow. So I left my companion with him and went on exchange with Elder Smith (My Bruda) to go out and wait for our other too that we had invited. We had invite Eruca to church but had a little doubt because he didn’t come to basketball the day before. I was waiting with Elder Smith and he said “I don’t think he is coming man.” Because it was about time to go into church. I said well have you been praying? He said no. So I said well start praying. Haha just jokingly. After another minute it was time to go so he said come on. I said ok and looked down the road one last time. And I thought I saw the beautiful sight of purple pants on a Mongolian. I said wait. And he said let’s go get him so we walked down and it was him! 2 investigators out of 3!! Whoaaaaaaa!!! It was so dang exciting! Haha I had Elder Smith translate sacrament into English for him and after we had a lesson. He was already in 2 Nephi chapter 6 and had been praying! The lesson went great and he stayed all through church and even stayed for a member baptism after and the ward was good to him and he even stayed after that to help set up for a Christmas party! He really liked it and we meet him again tomorrow! He has no background so we have a lot to teach but wow we are excited!

Well family and friends! I love you all so much and appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for me! I know that Jesus Christ was born of Mary into the city Bethlehem and I know that God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son. I know that through him we can be saved and return to our father! I know our Father in Heaven loves us as does his son! I am so grateful for my family and friends that they have put into my life to help me learn and progress! I love you all and can’t wait to talk to you next week!


Elder Houston

ZL Exchange! Elder Chae su Bam

ZL Exchange! Elder Chae su Bam

The Mansion

The Mansion

Temple Pics with Comp

Temple Pics with Comp

Temple pics with Comp

Temple pics with Comp

Temple Pics

Temple Pics

Teeny Tiny Christmas Tree

Teeny Tiny Christmas Tree

Stylish Korean Grandma pants

Stylish Korean Grandma pants

Our pizza that was supposed to be chicken

Our pizza that was supposed to be chicken

Our pizza that was supposed to be chicken

Our pizza that was supposed to be chicken

Opening 12 Days of Christmas from home. Day 1

Opening 12 Days of Christmas from home.
Day 1

In Front of Temple

In Front of Temple

Elder Lundberg and I in some stylish korean grandma pants

Elder Lundberg and I in some stylish korean grandma pants

Elder Lundberg and I in some stylish korean grandma pants

Elder Lundberg and I in some stylish korean grandma pants

Coach Houston getting his hair cut

Coach Houston getting his hair cut

Coach Houston getting his hair cut.

Coach Houston getting his hair cut.

Christmas Stockings  12 Days of Christmas - Day 2

Christmas Stockings
12 Days of Christmas – Day 2

Christmas Stocking

Christmas Stocking

bus pics 2 (600x800)

On the Bus

On the Bus

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